Algoriddim djay Pro AI DJ Software Review

Algoriddim djay Pro AI: Whether you’re a professional DJ or someone just getting into the DJ scene, this is great software and it’s only getting a lot better.
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Algoriddim djay Pro AI App
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While you can DJ using Windows as well as Apple products, if you ask most seasoned DJs they’ll tell you that Apple is the ideal option 99% of the time when it comes to stunning software and DJ Apps. There are a lot of reasons for this but it largely comes down to a streamlined interface and easy connectivity with the other devices.

The Algoriddim DJ Pro AI v4 takes this sentiment to a whole new DJ gear level with the djay Pro AI v4 iCloud sync software.

The djay Pro AI v4 software syncs together your Mac, iPhone, and iPad so that they’re all unified under a single banner during a performance.

Simply put, what’s happening on your Macbook Pro or Airbook can be altered and played with using your iPad or iPhone. The software has a monthly subscription to maintain and, in exchange, makes itself super easy to use while also having a super polished and modern interface.

Ultimately, however, the question is whether or not the software can properly hold its own when compared to the two reigning champs, both Serato DJ Pro and rekordbox.

In short, at least when it comes to Apple users, the answer is that it can certainly try.

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Is Algoriddim djay Pro AI v4 Any Good?

Algoriddim’s djay Pro AI is highly regarded for its innovative use of artificial intelligence through features like Neural Mixâ„¢, which enables the DJ to instantly isolate beats instruments. The software also offers a sleek interface, compatibility with various platforms, and integration with popular music streaming services. Many users and DJs consider it a versatile and super advanced tool, making it a competitive option for both amateur and professional DJ use.

First Impressions

After first installing djay Pro AI v4 onto your Mac, iPhone, or iPad, the first thing you’ll notice is that it requires a subscription payment to use.

The good news is that the subscription works for all three devices. This means you can use it on any and all of your products and devices without having to buy additional services.

The software can be used entirely as-is as a standard option without implementing any add-ons. In fact, I found that you could get away with quite a lot with only the software itself.

Pretty much to the point that, even if you don’t look into any hardware supports, the software is worth checking out.

If you do want to step things up, there are some different controllers out there that seem to work especially well, even if neither is inherently required to operate with the other.

For example, some useful DJ controllers include the Mixon 4 and Mixon 8 Pro controllers as well as even some of the more impressive companies, such as Pioneer DJ and their DJM900NS2 mixer.

Setting Up

The setup process is fairly straightforward. If we’re just talking about downloading the app, then it’s just installing it on your Apple products. When it comes to tying it to your device, even that’s super easy. You’re just connecting your mixer or controller with a Type-C USB cable.

If you have an older iPhone or iPad, you’ll need to use Apple’s Camera Connection Kit as this lets you use its second socket to power either device.

The setup from there is pretty much even easier. As mentioned, this is one of the biggest selling points, both for the software in general as well as it being Apple-based software. Everything is very easy and very streamlined.

The software works with DVS (digital vinyl systems) which means you can play around with vinyl records using either your Mac, iPad, or iPhone. It will automatically detect the record and best calibrate it to give you the optimal sound.

Software Design Aesthetics

A neat aspect of the software is its various available views and designs to choose from. Its main view is a “classic” design with turntables on the screen. There’s also a “pro” view that instead sets things up to look similar to other DJ software options out there.

If you plan to add it in with another system, there’s a one-deck view. You can also have it set for a four-deck, automix, looper mode, and video-mode view.

Automix is a pretty clever artificial intelligence feature where the AI identifies rhythmic patterns including the best intro and outro sections of songs to keep the music flowing.

AI world is slowly creeping into DJ technology, but I guess that is unstoppable so best to embrace the change and ride the wave.

All of these are based on what type of performance you expect to have and, as such, can be changed based on the occasion.

In fact, because the software determines what to show you based on what you’ve plugged into the computer, you can have it utterly shift from one device or hardware piece to another.

Algoriddim djay Pro AI

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A Deeper Look

Music Options

As with most DJ software options, you must have more than one way to access music.

Ideally, you should be able to use streaming services as well as pull from an existing music library so that you can perform with larger song choices while online and an established set offline. the djay Pro AI v4 definitely pulls through in this regard, giving you streaming as well as access to your own files.

In fact, there are even options to pull from multiple sources, giving you a chance to create the perfect music playlist for your performances.


The easier of the two methods, music streaming works as simple as setting up a streaming service through the app and creating whatever playlist you want. You can connect with your streaming services from within the DJ app – easily making, deleting, and editing playlists.

Not only will these playlists appear on whatever streaming service you’re using but it’ll also show up in the software app itself – and since it’s connected to any of your other Apple products, you can expect it to show up everywhere without you doing anything extra.

A super nifty and convenient feature.


Algoriddim’s software can also be used to sync metadata across iCloud so long as it’s enabled on your multiple devices. This means any beatmatching you’ve done, set cue and loop marks, and anything else you’ve been working on will show up on all of your devices so long as they’re tied into the iCloud.

Some things like beatgrid alterations can take a bit of finagling, but ultimately just about everything can be synced up easily enough, whether it’s from a music streaming platform or from your actual downloaded music files.

Algoriddim djay Pro AI software

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Personal Files

You can also use your own personal music files, though this method is kind of cruddy due to the way Apple operates. Simply put, the way djay Pro AI works is by having you pull from your iTunes account to use your personal music.

This is all well and good except for the fact that current versions are so deeply connected to Apple’s music streaming software, Apple Music. This is where things can be a bit frustrating.

The problem is that the software wants you to use iTunes but also doesn’t want you to use Apple Music while iTunes naturally wants to defer you to Apple Music, especially if you’ve already got a subscription. This can be a serious headache to handle and needlessly confusing.

Apparently, there are multiple solutions, with the official one being to sync your libraries together. There’s also the option of using Pioneer DJ’s rekordbox cloud solution, though this also comes with its own set of annoying problems.

Overall, this is probably the least well-executed aspect of the software, with much of that being largely on Apple and how their systems operate with one another.

Related Tracks

In addition to the points surrounding the different playlists and streaming options, the djay Pro AI v4 comes with a few other features that make music selection much easier.

One great example of this is the “Related Tracks” feature, which sits on the right-hand sidebar of the track info.

The Related Tracks feature allows you to cluster up songs you normally find yourself playing together without needing to create a separate playlist.

This is done by dragging any song you want from your main library into the tab window of the currently playing track. From there, whenever you click on that track, all related tracks will be on display and available to be played afterward or alongside.

While at first glance this may seem like just another stab at normal playlist creation it’s actually really great in practice.

Essentially, you’re circumventing creating a certified playlist and tying your tracks to any one track to automatically show up.

You can do this with any track that’s playing, meaning you’ll be able to immediately go to any song you want without being tied to a specific playlist. Once you get a chance to play with it you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about it.

Auto Track Suggestion

There’s also a feature called “auto track suggestion”. This, as the name implies, works by giving you various suggestions for tracks based on the related BPM, genre, or key information you’ve input in it.

While I normally find myself deferring to the tracks I want, I’d be lying if I said the feature didn’t suggest some interesting options that I’d otherwise not think about.

Algoriddim djay Pro AI v4

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Hardware Support

Because the djay Pro AI isn’t directly owned by a hardware company (like rekordbox DJ) its connection with different brands of DJ equipment varies. For example, Reloop makes a point of having hardware that is specifically dedicated to the software.

There’s also Algoriddim themselves whose engineers have been putting together some hardware of their own to go with it.

Pioneer DJ is another brand that works well with the djay Pro AI software, though this is more or less because of the brand’s popularity and Algoriddim wanting as many people to use their software as possible.

Running into specific types of hardware, most controllers work with it, with all of the compatible devices being listed on Algoriddim’s website. For the few devices that don’t naturally tie in with it, the majority of them can be mapped pretty easily. I

n fact, mapping is easier here than it is with most other DJ software options due to djay Pro AI wanting to be used by as many devices as possible.


When it comes to DVS, it’s not only very easy to set up, but it has been set to work with a variety of different mixers.

For example, the Pioneer DJ DJM-S11 or the Reloop Elite are just a few well-known mixers that it can be mapped to.

The djay Pro AI software can read Phase timecode signals, though playing with it to the same level as Serato isn’t quite there yet.

Algoriddim’s own control vinyl has a special trick up its sleeve with a side established “B” side. This site comes with three different track options you can utilize.

Option 1 plays the entire track while option 2 will only give you the instrumental.

Option 3, on the other hand, gives you the acapella. I shouldn’t have to tell you how much of a game changer this feature is but just so we’re on the same page, you’re effectively switching the Neural Mix modes solely from the control vinyl. It’s really really cool stuff.

And speaking of Neural Mix…

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Neural Mix

Easily one of the bigger features of the djay Pro AI series as a whole is the Neural Mix. This feature acts sort of like a real-time STEMS separation, able to remove the bass, vocals, drums, or melodies from a track live as the DJ is performing.

While it’s not going to be on “quite” the same level as other stems that run in the studio (some report the sound as being “ropey”) the reality is that, if you’re a performing DJ, this dramatically changes the tracks you have access to in all the right ways, opening up a slew of creative opportunities.

Probably the best method of controlling the Neural Mix feature is via a Reloop controller. As mentioned earlier, they’ve made a point of creating controllers and hardware that are as specifically geared towards the djay Pro AI software as possible, with many coming with specially-tailored mapping.

Sound Quality

Whereas previous iterations have had a maybe less-than-stellar audio engine, Algoriddim has definitely stepped up its game with the v4.

This version has considerably better key shift and key sync as well as time-stretching, all of which have a much more audibly present sound.

In addition, there are several additional effects that have been roped in with an extensive variety of LFO & pad FXs. It works like most other DJ software, with three effect engines on each “side”.

These effects can be linked with one another seamlessly to give you a whole host of different combinations and a variety of effects to play with.

Some of these include some of the “AI-based” effects. These effects sound really good in their own right and there are enough options available that just about any DJ is going to be satisfied no matter how hungry they are for new and different effects.

Overall Use

Of course, none of these features matter all that much if the software isn’t inherently good or easy to use. So how does it do?

Well, it’s important to remember that DJ software (no matter who it’s from) is meant to act as a glorified tool to make the DJing process easier. It should also not be so bogged down that it tends to stymie your creativity rather than promote it.

Thankfully, the Algoriddim djay Pro AI v4 does just that.

Not only does it come with just about any feature you can imagine, but its inclusion of some of the more thoughtful inclusions, like color-coded cue names or finding several ways of adjusting your workflow screen, make it an absolute blast to play with (even if some other software options technically have slightly more features here or there).

This isn’t to say that the software is perfect.

There are certainly some quibbles here and there. One example is Algoriddim’s constant desire to “reverse” the pitch fader, where pushing it up increases the pitch rather than lowers it.

This is obviously going to take some getting used to considering for everyone else it’s the opposite, but even this is remedied once you head into the “preferences” tab.

Some other neat inclusions are the addition of a “main out effect”, which puts an EQ over the complete audio output.

This helps to compensate for any deficiencies your existing PA system may have, essentially giving you the same quality sound no matter how you’re playing it out.

It also can be used to add in more complex limiters.

Other features, like Ableton Link, ensure even professional DJs can put together a whole performance using the software without any issues (though other things like the Shazam feature or the gesture control may seem a bit too “entry-level” for some).

For scratch DJs, the djay Pro AI lets you add “tape markers” to your decks to help with scratching.

It also makes opting in and out of bar and minute markers on the waveforms very accessible.

All in all, if it’s simply a question of “is the Algoriddim djay Pro AI v4 good to use?” I’d have to say it’s not only very easy to use and play with, but it’s pretty much open to every type of DJ, regardless of whether they are an entry-level beginner or a longtime professional.

Overall Performance

What We Liked

  • Works With All Apple Products Seamlessly
  • Low-Cost Subscription Fee
  • Comes With A Ton of New Features
  • Can Pull From Streaming As Well As Personal Library
  • Neural Mix & DVS Are Standout Features

What We Did Not Like

  • Its Reliance On iTunes Can Be Slightly Annoying
  • No 100% Dedicated Hardware To Rely On
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Algoriddim djay Pro AI v4: Our Verdict

Algoriddim djay Pro AI
  • Works With All Apple Products Seamlessly
  • Low-Cost Subscription Fee
  • Comes With A Ton of New Features
  • Can Pull From Streaming As Well As Personal Library
  • Neural Mix & DVS Are Standout Features
  • Its Reliance On iTunes Can Be Slightly Annoying
  • No 100% Dedicated Hardware To Rely On
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Honestly, while I still think Serato and rekordbox are stellar options (especially their paid options) I can’t help but be impressed by what Algoriddim has done here.

Since the majority of DJs normally find themselves using Apple products in the first place, this really is a perfect matchup that is impossible to argue against.

There’s really just so much to love about the platform, from its advanced and aesthetically pleasing design to its seamless interconnectedness between your different Apple products.

Without a doubt, the scene stealers have to be the Neural Mix and DVS. While the Neural Mix gives you stems in real-time, the DVS features offer you the option of playing a track either entirely as an instrumental or entirely as an acapella (which has got to be one of the coolest things ever).

Other neat features, like “related tracks” are also stellar inclusions that are definitely worth using. Not only that, but many of these features are so good you’ll end up actively missing them when going to other software options.

I’d never think I’d want to use anything but Serato DJ Pro, yet here we are.

Where some points are shaved off a bit come in with the hardware options. While you can map things out to most mixers and controllers well enough, the lack of a fully dedicated device does mean it’s forcing square pegs into round holes, even if most of the pegs have been sanded down some.

Really, the Algoriddim djay Pro AI v4 is meant to ask you what type of DJ you are.

If you’re a DJ who values reliability and familiarity as foremost principles, then you potentially may not feel enticed enough to try Algoriddim’s software over the more tried and true Serato DJ and rekordbox.

On the other hand, if you’re someone who sees the importance of experimentation and innovation, then you’re really going to have a blast with what they’ve done here.

I’m not quite sure I’d say it’s 100% on the level of the big dogs, but it definitely is on its way, and certainly a contender in all ways that matter.

If you haven’t already guessed, I’m a huge fan of this software and everything it’s doing.

Between the huge variety of included features, its affordable monthly subscription, and the fact that they’re constantly adding in new things to keep it fresh and up to date, I can’t see any reason not to at least play with it for a month to see how you like it.

Potentially, the lack of major support for Windows is going to be a sticking point, and if you don’t live in the Apple ecosystem, it’s not nearly as fun, however, if you’re using an iPhone, Mac, or iPad, you’re going to have a good time.

If you’re using all three, you’re going to have an awesome time.

Whether you’re a professional DJ or someone just getting into the DJ scene, this is great software and it’s only getting better.

Dexter has worked in the music business since the early 1990s. He has been a keen tech writer for many years and is still regularly involved in promoting prominent electronic music events in Ibiza and the UK. Dexter also specializes in managing and growing digital marketing platforms for leading international DJs, event brands, and venues. He relocated to Croatia from Ibiza six years ago but has continued his industry involvement whilst living on the electronic music party Island of Pag. Alongside music, Dexter is a cat nut and a through-and-through family man!

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