
Do DJs Still Use Vinyl? (in 2022?)

by Dex Jones
by Dex Jones
do djs still play vinyl

Since DJ was first a thing, vinyl records have always been a mainstay of the industry. Even as far back as the 1930s, when the term “disk jockey” (ie., DJ) was used, DJs would regularly play using vinyl records in their performance.

So, do DJs still use vinyl these days? The answer is that, while it is still performed, because vinyl records can be expensive, and the current digital DJ tools are faster and more streamlined, you’ll only see those that are willing to invest, both, the money and the time into learning to master this inherent and necessary musical art form?

Even now, all these years later, DJing with vinyl records is still regarded, by many, as the true method of DJing. This is despite the fact that much of the controllers and mp3 player music came out in the 90s and early 2000s. Today, even though the majority of DJs perform using a DJ controller and their laptop, it isn’t altogether uncommon to catch a professional using a pair of vinyl records in their hyped-up performance.

Still, even if it isn’t performed as commonly as it once was, that doesn’t mean people don’t love it. Below, I’ve gone over a few of the key reasons vinyl records will always be a present and viable option for any DJ that wants to take things back to the roots of the industry.

The genius that is DJ JFB. The 2021 DMC World Champion. Insane skills!

Deck #1. The Emotional Aspect

As mentioned before, vinyl records have been around since the art’s inception. For many that have been around since those early days, vinyl records can be seen more for their emotional connection to that time. Especially during the 70s and 80s, when DJing was at its peak for many, using records in the current time can be a way for DJs to remember that period.

Of course, this doesn’t explain why newer people and DJs are still showing interest in vinyl turntables. And, while it isn’t a super large number compared to those that still simply use digital devices, today’s DJ can often hold vinyl records in high esteem based simply on its history in the DJ space.

do djs still use vinyl
Record shopping. A vinyl junkies dream day out!

Deck #2. They Are Technically Better

The second reason is a bit of an interesting one. Outside of the emotional connection, many DJs may have with vinyl records, the simple fact of the matter is that technically speaking, they are smoother, cleaner, and are arguably equipped with a deeper base when compared to mp3s or other digital formats of DJing.

These factors are especially true for those that know how to perform using a turntable over the standard DJ controllers. Turntables became very popular in the early 60s and 70s, especially with the rise of the Technics 12000 model in the late 70s when hip-hop music became almost synonymous with being a DJ.

Over time, as DJs would continue to practice and become better performers, different skills began to emerge. These ranged from scratching and mixing, to beat matching, and beat juggling. This also included much more advanced techniques, like a stab, flare, crab, tear, or chopped & screwed. While you can reproduce many of these effects using DJ software, the quality, for many, is regarded as being wholly inferior when compared to an actual physical vinyl record.

do any djs still use vinyl pressing plant
Global pressing plants can not keep up with modern demand.

Do DJs Still Use Vinyl? Our Verdict

DJing will likely never truly get rid of vinyl records as a potential method of performing. For many, old veterans and new beginners alike, the vinyl record has been considered the only “true” way to perform as a DJ, with digital controllers, scratch mixers, and high-tech mixers being seen as somewhat inauthentic copies that don’t have the same “heart” as the original vinyl. And, while this is certainly debatable, what isn’t debatable at all is the fact that, over time, fewer and fewer people will want to be a DJ using solely vinyl records. As time goes by, vinyl, while always existing in the DJ space, will increasingly become something only performed by those with enough time, money, and interest in it.

Ultimately, vinyl records are a great and wonderful part of the DJ space and aren’t something that will ever truly go away. For many, it is wrapped up in their nostalgia, while for others, it is regarded as being the objectively better way to perform, if not at least a bit more fun.

If you’ve always wanted to try playing with vinyl records, consider giving it a shot. This is especially true for those that have had a chance to get used to the standard digital method. Grab a record or two from your local music store and test it out for yourself. You may just be surprised at just how different the experience can be.

The popularity of vinyl is booming at the moment but vinyl pressing plants are not able to keep up with the demand. This will keep prices high and accessibility a problem.

Will the big record labels commit to investing in new vinyl pressing plants?

We will see.

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Written by Dex Jones

Written by Dex Jones

Dexter has worked in the music business since the early 1990s. He has been a keen tech writer for many years and is still regularly involved in promoting prominent electronic music events in Ibiza and the UK.

Dexter also specializes in managing and growing digital marketing platforms for leading international DJs, event brands, and venues.

He relocated to Croatia from Ibiza six years ago but has continued his industry involvement whilst living on the electronic music party Island of Pag.

Alongside music, Dexter is a cat nut and a through-and-through family man!

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