
Bose F1 Subwoofer Review

The Bose F1 subwoofer system is widely regarded as a high-quality subwoofer system with exceptional performance delivering a powerful and punchy bass response.
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Bose f1 subwoofer
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More so than the majority of the speaker and sound systems out there, Bose has made a name for itself by putting out a solid quality sound that is commercially accessible. If you were to ask most people, the odds are great that they’d at least have a general understanding of Bose speakers and their impressive bass.

Personally, I think the F1 Subwoofer furthers this sentiment even more by creating a super portable, yet highly powerful extension to whatever speaker setup you already have.

Whether you’re using a fellow Bose F1 Model 812 system speaker or a third-party PA system, the Bose F1 sub has shown some incredible sound amplification alongside impressive build quality, at least, to me anyway.

And while I think it could stand to be a bit bigger, it’s offered at such a great value. So I find it hard to see a lot of alternative options giving it worthy competition.

Bose F1 Powered Subwoofer, Black
  • Very Professional Appearance
  • Reasonably Lightweight & Easily Portable
  • Very Punchy Sound
  • Perfect Integration With F1 Model 812
  • Sits A Bit Low
  • A Bit Bland For Some
  • Not A Ton Of Tuning Or Input Options
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Is the Bose F1 subwoofer system any good?

The Bose F1 subwoofer system is widely regarded as a high-quality subwoofer system with exceptional performance. I’ve found the F1 features a compact design that delivers powerful and deep bass response, making it suitable for a variety of applications such as live performances, DJ setups, and events. With its robust build, versatility, and excellent sound reproduction, the Bose F1 Subwoofer System is generally considered to be a reliable and impressive choice for audio enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Bose f1 speaker

First Impressions


You may already be aware of the 812 flexible array loudspeaker At the heart of the F1 is a 12-inch woofer nested behind an array of eight high-output drivers.

Fresh out of the box, the F1 subs are fairly well put together. Each subwoofer comes with a pair of 10″ woofers that, while at first glance don’t seem like much, are able to pack an impressive amount of sound.

In addition to giving a good sound, the dual 10″ woofers ultimately make the subwoofer itself very easy to cart around without too much of an issue. This certainly speaks to the easier time as a more portable option while still allowing you to crank out some really amazing sounds.

Probably the first thing you’re going to see, however, is the sub’s thick wood cabinet exterior. The cabinet also has high-impact composite end caps that, unlike the F1 Model 812 flexible array molded plastic cabinet, dramatically improve the sub’s overall durability while only moderately adding to its weight and heft.

Simply put, it feels real in your hand while still being relatively easy to move about.

The subwoofer comes with a powder-coated perforated steel grille which keeps the woofers safe from being accidentally scratched or knocked.

That said, because they aren’t waterproof by any real means, you must keep them in places away from water or other types of moisture.

Lastly, the F1 sub’s components are all made from very impressive quality.

From the various knobs and switches to the different connection points, they’ve worked to make everything as secure as possible for the subwoofer so that the only thing you’re focusing on is the sound, and not if anything is going to stop working in the middle of a performance.


Touching on the physical size and dimensions of the F1 subwoofer, the F1 is definitely on the slimmer side of things. This is great for pretty much all settings and venues since some stages don’t offer a ton of space for you, your speakers, and everything else you’ll need.

Size-wise, the F1 weighs in at only 55lbs (25kg) which is pretty light for a full-bodied subwoofer. Most people can carry this entirely on their own without using a cart. This is due to the carry handles and bottom wheels. It can also be thrown into most cars fairly easily without taking up much space.

That said, in exchange for the slimmer look, the F1 sub is a bit lower than to the ground than one would expect. This is really only going to be an issue if you’re performing with the sub on the ground. If you’re on a stage or otherwise have it resting on a lifted platform it’s not going to be that much of an issue, if any at all.

Bose f1 subwoofer system


From a design-based perspective, the F1 sub comes in a fairly standard dark grey color. It’s certainly not standout or something particularly noteworthy when compared to the designs of most other subs or speakers out there. It does have a pretty good level of scuff resistance, which isn’t anything, but overall they’ve decided to keep the design a simple and safe one.

I think this is great for professional DJs as well as DJs who don’t want their speakers to have a ton of distracting personalities.

The subs are very clean-cut and fold in nicely with most setups, including as a simple accent to DJs with a flashier color scheme (some aesthetics will work better than others).

Their simple design is also ideal for most gigs in more corporate or upscale settings, as the neutral look is less likely to offend or annoy people, so there’s certainly that.

The F1 has a unique bracket integrated into the subwoofer allowing the F1 Model 812 loudspeaker to be safely mounted to the subwoofer. So I’ve found that this eliminates the need for a conventional pole mount or the need for a tripod mounting stand.

The stand even includes cable channels that neatly hide away wires, giving your system a much cleaner, tighter, and more professional appearance.

On the other hand, if you’re like me and is someone who likes more flashy speakers that immediately draw attention, or if you’re a DJ who is trying to create a very specific and memorable “look” that can be noticed immediately, these subs are not going to be your pick.


One really interesting inclusion for the sub is how much it does to factor in and include Bose’s F1 Model 812 loudspeaker. Not only are these natural extensions of one another, but the F1 sub has even come with a built-in speaker stand already included.

It’s not anything outlandish or necessarily something that requires you to use the 812 speaker. Rather, it comes across as a nice compliment that subtly makes a case for getting the two as a set rather than one or the other.

The stand is very easy to clip into the 812 speakers from the woofer’s top and then have the speaker sit on top of it.

Again, the key thing is that it’s a great addition for those who decided to get both as an all-in-one system setup. It’s very easy to put together and take apart and is a great alternative to using a tripod stand.

A Deeper Look

Sound Quality

For those who have played around with a Bose speaker or subwoofer in the past, you know that these things certainly earn their keep off of their incredible bass alone. The F1 doesn’t disappoint in this regard in the slightest. It offers an incredibly clean and detailed with all the richness you’d expect from a Bose subwoofer.

As touched on earlier, the Bose F1 subs dual drivers produce bass through 10″ woofers that work together with a compact bass module designed to put out a depth-filled low-end bass.

It’s certainly on the smaller side compared to what most people may have expected, but that actually works in the sub’s favor, as the larger bass box produces a bass sound that is punchy and satisfying to hear while not delving into that “rumbly” nature.

Overall, whether you’re a starting pro DJ or just someone that really likes their music with some kick to it, the F1 wants to be a top contender.

And while you’ll probably need something a bit more impressive for the exceptionally large spaces or venues, especially if you’re a DJ with a big crowd, the F1 sub works well in both mid-sized spaces as well as outdoor locations, which is more than enough unless you’re hitting that professional level.


The Bose F1 subwoofer comes with 1000W of power with a max SPL of 130dB. While this isn’t the most powerful setup in the world it’s certainly impressive for virtually all venues the vast majority of people are going to be in or be listening from.

Seriously, unless you’re planning on performing in front of a stadium or a huge nightclub, this is probably going to be more than enough to get everyone feeling the beat.

However, the F1 must never be exposed to precipitation or extended periods of direct sunlight.

In addition, the F1 sub has some pretty far-reaching depth, able to hit 40 Hz at -3dB as well as 38 Hz at -10 dB. This is all going to result in a super satisfying bass delivery that Boss has made a name for themselves with.

What’s more, it does all of this with only about a 0.1% max distortion rate (ie. virtually distortion-free!).

Bose F1 Subwoofer speaker system

Tuning Options

One place where the F1 Subwoofer does slightly falter is its lack of tuning options. Now don’t get me wrong, the sub does have some tuning options, but certainly, not as much as you’d think or hope. It comes with a standard Line Output EQ switch that offers access to the HPF and Thru options.

The Thru option sends signals with the EQ while the HPF acts as an effective high pass filter. There’s also the ability to reverse the polarities, which is great for those who do a bit too much low and high-frequency overlapping.

The loudspeaker’s internal EQ automatically also changes according to the array’s position. This allows the loudspeaker to maintain tonal balance no matter which position the F1 is used.

The good news is that this is pretty much all most people are going to really want or need and it handles the essentials well enough without too much hassle. The bad news is that, if you’re someone who likes to get in the weeds and get as precise with your speakers as possible (even the subwoofers) to get the best sound you can, you’re going to be a bit disappointed.

Again, for most people it’s fine. For those that are very particular, however, you’re better off looking into some studio monitors.


The Bose F1 subwoofer, in addition to its tuning options, opts for a fairly simplistic and bare-bones set of input and output options. The sub comes with a set pair of balanced input jacks that let you connect in with either an XLR or a 1/4″ TRS source.

There’s also a pair of XLR line-out ports for connecting out to a larger PA system or an additional subwoofer for even more bass power.

The rear panel has XLR/TRS combo jacks, a 0.25-inch instrument jack, and stereo RCA inputs. When an external mixer is not in use, an acoustic instrument equipped with can connect directly to the F1.

Again, while Bose is known for making some truly incredible sound quality and bass output, they tend to veer closer to causal consumers rather than hardline professional usage.

You can 100% still use these for your DJing gigs if you want. Just don’t expect a ton of tuning and input options like you would on some more dedicated DJ-focused speakers out there.

Overall Performance

What We Like:

  • Very Professional Appearance
  • Solid Build Quality
  • Reasonably Lightweight & Easily Portable
  • Very Punchy Sound
  • Perfect Integration With F1 Model 812

What We Do Not Like:

  • Sits A Bit Low
  • A Bit Bland For Some
  • Not A Ton Of Tuning Or Input Options
Bose F1 System

Bose F1 Subwoofer: The Verdict

When it comes to Bose as a company and what it offers, it can’t be overstated enough that they focus on creating a high-quality product that is ideal for the casual consumer. In other words, they build their speakers the same way Apple builds their computers and phones.

They are incredibly well-made with a lot of impressive aspects that easily rival some of the heavy hitters in terms of what you’re getting. The difference largely comes in the simplicity of the product in its use.

For those who want something that sounds great to listen to, can play well in most DJ settings, or has a really good low-end bass that you can sink into, the Bose F1 Subwoofer is all of that and more.

If, on the other hand, you want something with a ton of tuning options for precise sound control or a lot of different ports and jacks to plug into everything, then you’re going to find yourself a bit disappointed with everything offered.

I honestly stand on both ends of the spectrum as I’m a DJ first and a casual listener second. I can say that, for what the Bose F1 sub goes for, if you’re looking to get into music producing or DJing on a professional level, the F1 sub may not be the best decision.

It just doesn’t extend as far as similarly priced subs from more dedicated options can, nor can you really get that level of precision from tuning that you’d want, again, from similarly-priced subwoofers.

That said, for just about everyone else (and I mean EVERYONE else), the Bose F1 subwoofer pretty much cuts out all of the frustrating choices and middlemen for a listening experience you’re going to love. If you’re not at the upper levels of professional DJing, or simply just want a sub that hits you like you want it, this is certainly up there with some of the greats.

Bose F1 Powered Subwoofer, Black
  • Very Professional Appearance
  • Reasonably Lightweight & Easily Portable
  • Very Punchy Sound
  • Perfect Integration With F1 Model 812
  • Sits A Bit Low
  • A Bit Bland For Some
  • Not A Ton Of Tuning Or Input Options
Check on Sweetwater Check on Thomann
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Written by
Dexter has worked in the music business since the early 1990s. He has been a keen tech writer for many years and is still regularly involved in promoting prominent electronic music events in Ibiza and the UK. Dexter also specializes in managing and growing digital marketing platforms for leading international DJs, event brands, and venues. He relocated to Croatia from Ibiza six years ago but has continued his industry involvement whilst living on the electronic music party Island of Pag. Alongside music, Dexter is a cat nut and a through-and-through family man!

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