
Above & Beyond Produce First Movie Soundtrack

by Dex Jones
by Dex Jones
Above & Beyond Produce First Movie Soundtrack

Above & Beyond have produced their first movie score. The new feature film, The Last Glaciers, is centered around climate change and will open in IMAX cinemas Worldwide from March 22nd.

The 40-minute film is directed and produced by award-winning filmmaker Craig Leeson and United Nations Environment Programme representative Malcolm Wood.

A press release says, “strives to convey optimism about combating climate change while continuing the conversation and motivating individuals to make a difference”.

It focuses on the problems the natural world faces and the destructive impact that humans are having on the planet.

It was written by the Above & Beyond trio in collaboration with producer and composer Darren Tate.

“It was an honour to be invited by Craig Leeson to compose the score for ‘The Last Glaciers’,” said Jono Grant from Above & Beyond. “For the musical direction, we felt it important for the score to reflect the beauty of our changing planet that Craig had elegantly captured.

“Stylistically we wanted to combine our largely electronic musical background with live orchestra to create a hybrid score. It was important to us that the score both reflect the challenges facing the world today, and those faced by Craig as an individual and filmmaker over the course of filming. As well as conveying a sense of urgency, we wanted the score to portray an optimistic tone, and to encourage a positive call to action from the viewer.”

The full score is available here.

The Last Glaciers movie trailer:

Written by Dex Jones

Written by Dex Jones

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