
Best Acoustic Foam Panels (2024) Keeping Your Neighbors Happy!

Here, we’ll touch on some of the best acoustic foam panels available, helping you decide which option is the best for you and your musical studio set up.
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Best Acoustic Foam Panels
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Unless you live out in the middle of nowhere, having a DJ studio may potentially run you into noise complaints.

Yes, headphones are a great factor to consider, but there are some times when you’ll need to listen to music with studio monitors for a more immersive experience, especially if you want to listen to music the same way your audience will.

This is where investing in the best acoustic foam sound panels comes into play with recording studios.

This can be a bit of an issue when you consider that your music is going to need to be loud enough that neighbors and roommates can hear it, and if you don’t have any way to absorb sound and handle that situation, there’s a good chance you’ll be dealing with some noise complaints.

While there are some great options to help treat your studio environment’s sound, the best way to absorb sound and minimize acoustic reflections is by investing in some acoustic foam panels.

Sound absorption acoustic foam panel companies have begun to have a sort of renaissance thanks to online streamers and home studio DJs.

With more people showing an interest in foam acoustic sound panels than ever before, it’s obvious that there will be some great and some not-so-great brands running around.

In this overview, we’ll touch on some of the top acoustic foam acoustic panels available, helping you decide which option is the best for you and how you plan to have your studio set up.

Best Acoustic Foam Panels: Our Overall Choice

You can use these sound absorption acoustic panels in a number of ways, however, they are most effective when set in an alternating alignment pattern. Ultimately, while the other options are all great, if you’re just starting, I’d highly recommend trying the Pro Studio Acoustic Wedge Foam first and then seeing if you need anything else.

3 Top Acoustic Foam Panels – Best, Premium & Value

Below, we’ll take the time to check out some of the best acoustic sound-dampening panels currently on the market while also giving you some tips on how to fit them into your sound environment.

Pro Studio Acoustic Wedge Foam (Editors Pick)

The Pro Studio Acoustic Wedge Foam is easily one of the best options for recording studios and home setups here on this list. Not only does it offer an incredible amount of value for the money you’ll be paying, but they’re visually appealing, even coming in two different colors to choose from.

The Wedge Foam sound absorption acoustic panels are very thick and are set in a 12x12x12 dimension making them ideal for handling home DJ studios as well as home theaters, listening rooms, and recording stations.

The Wedge Foam acoustic panels offer a professional-level quality to any studio, allowing you a more accurate amount of sound quality control for the overall environment.

The Wedge Foam set comes in a pack of 12, each made up of six blue and six black foam acoustic panels. This is more than enough to let you mix and match whatever creative design you want as you play with the different options. Each panel is 2 inches thick, offering impressive soundproofing that will work for virtually any person’s setting or situation.

Probably one of the biggest selling points for the Wedge Foam acoustic panels is that they can do all that they do without being too excessively pricey. While I wouldn’t say that they’re cheap by any means, they are affordable enough that you’ll be able to get a set without feeling like you’re breaking the bank.

You can use these acoustic panels in a number of ways, however, they are most effective when set in an alternating alignment pattern. This helps absorb sounds more effectively than setting them in one particular pattern. Many people will often decide to set them up in a checkerboard pattern, alternating the color as well as the alignment.

This is more aesthetic than anything, though it does make a neat appearance.

If you are just starting out these are for you!

best acoustic foam panels

What We Like:

  • Very Affordable
  • Comes Ready To Install Right Out Of The Box
  • Comes In A 12-Pack At 12sq Feet

What We Do Not Like:

  • NRC Quality Could Be Better
Editors Pick
Pro Studio Acoustics Wedge Foam
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05/22/2024 03:40 am GMT

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Foamily Egg Crate Acoustic Panels (Premium Pick)

One of the more premium acoustic foam panels is made by Foamily. The Foamily Egg Crate makes a point of standing out over many of the others on this list due to its incredibly large acoustic panels that are meant for handling hard surfaces that other panels may have difficulty handling.

As with others, the Foamily Egg Crate panels are pretty straightforward in installing and setting up while also toning back on the look a bit for something a bit more conservative and not quite as flashy.

Made for just about any surface, the Foamily Egg panels come in one of three different colors: red, burgundy, and charcoal. The sound absorption acoustic panels are made with an egg design in mindful rather than the more prevalent pyramid shape.

While appearance is certainly going to appeal to different people based on their tastes, there’s something a bit neat about having a design that is almost impossible to get from any other producer.

As with panels like the Pro Studio Acoustic Wedge, the Foamily Egg panels are great for absorbing sound.

However, the big difference is the fact that, rather than reducing the sound’s volume, the Foamily Egg panels instead help clarify the sound quality, improving its overall quality while removing many of the unwanted inclusions like a flutter, reverb, or echo sounds.

So long as you’re not looking for something that restricts sound instead of improving it, you’ll see that there’s a lot to love about what the Foamily Egg Crate has going for it.

best acoustic foam panels for home studio

What We Like:

  • Great In Smaller Rooms
  • Can Be Used As Spot Treating For Walls
  • Made From High-Quality NRC

What We Do Not Like:

  • Doesn’t Reduce Sound, Only Improves Sound Quality

Premium Pick
Foamily Acoustic Foam Egg Crate Panel Studio Foam
$84.99 $79.99
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05/22/2024 03:46 am GMT

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Auralex Studiofoam Wedges (Value Pick)

Auralex is a well-respected name in the sound absorption acoustic treatment world, Auralex has managed to build up quite a name for itself and is known for producing high-quality foam wedges that are some of the best in terms of sound absorption.

And coming in to uphold that reputation, Studiofoam Wedges more than shows that they have what it takes to impress everyone.

Made from 2-inch thick acoustic panels, the Studiofoam Wedges’ panels can be used in a variety of different manners and fashions.

They are thick enough to work well in both small and medium-sized rooms while also large and efficient enough to be used entirely on their own or combined with bass traps to capture virtually any sound looking to escape, be they flutter echoes or standing waves.

The Studiofoam Wedges have an NRC panel rating that sits between .75 and .80. This helps ensure that they can handle most sound reverberations with very little coming out the other side.

There are 24 acoustic panels in each pack, each 12 x 12, and can be installed on most surfaces. Generally, a single 24-pack should be enough to cover a 24-square-foot surface which is more than enough for most people. If you’re wondering if this may be too much for your wall, Auralex has a smaller 18-pack alternative as well.

One of the things that makes Auralex’s foam wedges so much better than others out there is the fact that they are around half the size of others.

This size is why they have so many in a pack but also is an ideal method of covering those smaller spaces that would otherwise get ignored by larger foam wedges.

While hardly a deal-breaker, one of the only setbacks or things to keep in mind is the fact that these panels are only available in charcoal gray.

Again, this isn’t a show-stopper for 99% of people. However, if you’re someone that does online streaming, or are someone that is interested in a colorful studio, you’re going to have to keep in mind that they only have access to this fairly drab color.

best sound proof foam

What We Like:

  • Smaller Size Panels For Smaller Spaces
  • Has A 24 & 18-Pack Panel
  • NRC Rating Sits Between .75 & .80
  • Very Easy To Setup & Put Together

What We Do Not Like:

  • Only Available In Charcoal Gray, Which Can Be A Problem For Some
Value Pick
Auralex Studiofoam Wedges Acoustic Panel
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05/22/2024 03:50 am GMT

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Alternative Best Acoustic Panel Picks

If the three options above aren’t well-suited to you, there are still a host of excellent home recording studio walls to choose from. Our team also highlighted the following options for those in search of fantastic acoustic treatment.

Jber Pyramid Acoustic Foam Panels

The Jber Pyramid Acoustic Foam Panels are the perfect ideal acoustic treatment option for not only home theaters, office spaces, or areas that you plan to get really loud in, but also as add-ons for other foam panel options that need a bit of spot treatment to fill out their gaps.

As the name implies, these foam panels are made with an immediately identifiable “pyramid” shape, which is one of the most effective methods for absorbing sound.

There are two different pack options available based on what you’re looking for: the six-pack and the 24-pack. For most people, the 24-pack is what you’re going to use to fill out a room entirely while the six-pack option is best for minor spot treatments of other rooms that already have a mostly-filled foam wall.

The foam panels are ideal for handling typical background noises, noise reduction, and echoes, greatly reducing them to the point that very little is going to be heard from the outside world.

This makes them a great option for theaters and DJ home studios.

Unlike other sound absorption acoustic panels, here, they come out one-third compressed already, making the process better and easier. This is especially true during the installation phase, where you’ll just need to shape them along whatever gap you have.

Since they are pyramid-shaped instead of wedge-shaped, they can mesh well regardless of how much is cut.

best soundproof foam

What We Like:

  • Pyramid Shape Acoustic panel
  • Comes Already Compressed
  • Can Easily Be Shaped

What We Do Not Like:

  • No Bigger Pack For Handling Larger Rooms

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Mybecca Acoustic Foam Panels

The Mybecca Acoustic Foam Panels are easily one of the best choices out there when it comes to treating your studio space.

Run by the renowned Mybecca company, the panels produced here come in a wedge-style cut and can be arranged in a variety of directional paths, both for aesthetic and practical reasons. There are 48 acoustic panels per pack, all of which come in 12-inch squares.

This makes it a very cost-efficient option for those on a budget. Unless your space is incredibly small, you’ll still come out ahead even if you don’t manage to use every single one of them. Still, this is the most ideal for larger rooms and spaces, like full-on theaters or recording studios.

The acoustic panels are able to absorb and remove standing sound waves while also ensuring that sound doesn’t leave or enter the room you’re in as well as handle any unwanted sound reflections.

You can reduce anywhere between 80 and 90% of most background noise reduction from the listening experience, giving you as pure a sound as possible.

The installation process is also quite simple.

Since it’s meant for larger spaces, Mybecca has implemented the spray-on glue method. If you don’t plan on moving or changing your space, you can simply spray along the wall and set them up. On the other hand, if you feel you might want to keep things less permanent (or if you don’t own the house) you’re better off bringing in a piece of cardboard and hanging that over the wall before spraying anything down.

Either way, this is really your best bet if you have a large or mid-size space you need to fill.

best foam for soundproofing

What We Like:

  • Uses Spray-On Glue For Fast & Easy Installation
  • Helps Create A Pure Listening Experience
  • Great For Large Rooms
  • Helps Keep Sound From Coming In Or Out

What We Do Not Like:

  • May Be Too Much For Small & Mid-Size Rooms
  • Spray-On Installation Can Make Taking Off Very Difficult Later On
Mybecca Acoustic Bevel Panels Studio Foam
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05/24/2024 06:21 am GMT

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SoundAssured Acoustic Studio Foam

The SoundAssured company has played a pretty big role in the acoustic room treatment space, their original ethos even being the goal of providing musicians an affordable option for building their home studios.

Here, that goal has remained with the Acoustic Studio Foam. Offered in a variety of different sizes, colors, and thicknesses, these foam panels are one of the best options for those interested in building up their home studio’s walls.

Very easy to install, the Acoustic Studio Foam panels are available in a variety of pack sizes. This may seem like an issue for some, but the truth is that, because they have so many size options, by simply dividing your wall’s space by four, you should find a pack that works perfectly for you and what you need to be covered.

The acoustic panels can be trimmed as needed for handling awkward spaces, while installation itself can either be glued or sprayed on for a permanent stay or push-pinned if you want something a bit more temporary.

Depending on what you’re looking to handle, SoundAssured has several different thickness options to choose from. They have one-inch, two-inch, three-inch, and four-inch panels, all of which have their importance.

For example, if you’re planning to install a powerful subwoofer in your space you’ll be better off with thicker tiles. On the other hand, if you plan to listen to classical music in your studio, which usually deals with higher tones, you’ll want to look into the thinner tiled panels.

All in all, no matter what type of home studio you’ve got, there is going to be an available option that’s custom for you.

best acoustic panel

What We Like:

  • Super Easy To Install
  • Fire Retardant Acoustic Panel
  • Comes In A Variety Of Thickness Options
  • Has Several Color Options

What We Do Not Like:

  • Not Ideal For Creating A Neutral Sound Space
SoundAssured Soundproofing Acoustic Studio Foam
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06/14/2024 06:35 pm GMT

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Audimute AcoustiColor Sound Absorption Tiles

One of the biggest pet peeves for most people, when it comes to dealing with acoustic foam tiles is the fact that there is pretty much only one available color: gray.

Yes, there are some alternatives now and again, but for the most part, all you’ve got to play with is some variation on the gray color. Audimute’s AcoustiColor Acoustic Tiles not only puts a stop to that sentiment, but it does so to an insane degree; all without sacrificing their quality as acoustic tiles.

Considering it’s their biggest claim to fame, the Audimute AcoustiColor Acoustic Tiles offers an extensive variety of different color options to choose from for your studio setup. These come in some of the obvious dark blue and charcoal gray colors, but also purple, green, orange, and yellow just to name a few.

This sets Audimute apart for pretty much anyone else out there, as one can enjoy virtually any color design they want while still retaining much of the same sound protection they’d have gotten.

Acoustic panels come in a variety of sizes, going from 1×1 to 3×3. They are also relatively thick, coming in at 1.5 inches, and are capable of being produced in various shapes, sizes, and finishes.

The panels have an incredibly impressive NRC rating, coming in at .95, which is ideal when it comes to larger-sized rooms.

The installation process, as with others on this list, is fairly straightforward. You can either add the included spray-on industrial-strength adhesive or add the easy-hand adhesive to the back of the acoustic

panels. The easy-hang option is arguably the simplest option since all you’re doing is removing the tape along the back of the panel and then pressing it onto the wall.

With rare exceptions, there is little that the Audimute Acoustic Tiles can’t do. From being able to come out in a variety of different colors, to have some of the highest NRC ratings, to even being fire-resistant and able to be produced in customized shapes, it’s very clear that this is an option that works for just about anyone.

best acoustic panels

What We Like:

  • Customizable Color & Shape Design
  • .95 NRC rating
  • Meant For Larger Rooms
  • Eco-Friendly Acoustic Panel
  • Available In 12-Pack Sets

What We Do Not Like:

  1. You’re Definitely Paying For All These Perks
Audimute AcoustiColor Acoustic Panels
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06/14/2024 06:30 pm GMT

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Bass Traps

if you are setting up a studio for the first time and you don’t have a lot of experience in sound dampening or absorption.

You will have to think about bass traps. Acoustic panels do not block low frequencies so definitely look into purchasing a bass trap instead

Bass traps are placed in corners. Bass Traps are the solution to helping control low-frequency sound waves. A bass trap is placed in the four corners of a room and needs to be at least 4″ thick for proper sound dampening and absorption.

Sound Dampening Panels: Materials

Sound dampening panels are rated on the noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) scale of 0 to 1, with 0 representing no sound absorption and 1 representing all sound absorption. Yep, sounds odd, doesn’t it?

This scale is more easily understood as a percentage. for example, an NRC of 0.5 is 50% noise reduction absorption, and so on.

How Many Acoustic Panels Do You Need?

The number of acoustical panels for soundproofing will depend on each individual case and room. You do not need to cover every surface with sound absorption panels.

It doesn’t work like that. It will take testing and a little time to understand the needs of your environment.

Best Acoustic Foam Panels: The Verdict

At the end of the day, while having a DJ, music producer, or even a gaming studio is great in and of itself, at some point you’re going to need to invest in the best acoustic foam panels you can afford to block those sound waves externally.

Foam panels may not be quite as appealing as mixers, speakers, or subwoofers, but they are the thing that ensures that you can play any of those things at a proper volume within your recording studios or DJ environments without worrying about annoying your family, roommates, or neighbors.

Not only is acoustic treatment important for blocking out sound and ensuring it doesn’t escape into the outside world, but it also acts as an important factor in handling unwanted sound resonance as well as bass buildups.

This all goes into helping you create a more accurate and consistent listening experience, giving you as neutral a sound as possible.

By understanding the role that sound waves and acoustic treatment foam panels play and the best options to consider implementing, you can create a studio space that is perfect for whatever you have planned for it, be it DJing, playing movies, or setting up a music recording studio.

Written by
Dexter has worked in the music business since the early 1990s. He has been a keen tech writer for many years and is still regularly involved in promoting prominent electronic music events in Ibiza and the UK. Dexter also specializes in managing and growing digital marketing platforms for leading international DJs, event brands, and venues. He relocated to Croatia from Ibiza six years ago but has continued his industry involvement whilst living on the electronic music party Island of Pag. Alongside music, Dexter is a cat nut and a through-and-through family man!

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