Toe-to-Toe: Pioneer DJ DDJ-400 Vs Hercules Inpulse 300

Pioneer DJ DDJ-400 Vs Hercules Inpulse 300: Which one you pick? Honestly, it does depend on where you’re coming from when checking out these two options.
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hercules dj control inpulse 300 vs pioneer ddj 400
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Knowing which starter controller will work best; a slightly higher quality or a slightly better price.

When first jumping into being a DJ, the good news is that there are a lot of different available beginner controllers out there to consider.

The bad news, however, is that it can be difficult to discern which is the ideal option for you or what you’re looking for.

It’s also true that, while there are a lot of great starter controllers to choose from, there are many many more that absolutely suck!

Pioneer DJ DDJ-400 Vs Hercules Inpulse 300: Overview

Luckily we’ve pooled together two incredible options to choose from, both of which are a great first step for someone that knows next to nothing about proper DJing or DJ equipment: the Pioneer DJ DDJ-400 and the Hercules Inpulse 300.

In this brief review of the two controllers, we’ll go over some of their strengths, and weaknesses, and which of the two works best for you and your current DJing situation.

Pioneer DJ DDJ-400 Explained

Starting off with the more well-known of the two, Pioneer DJ has been known for producing high-quality top-tier controllers and the DDJ-400 is another great inclusion in the mix.

This controller comes with their increasingly popular Rekordbox DJ software while also sporting a professional club-style layout which is great for DJs that eventually want to take their skills to a professional level.

Dimension-wise, the controller is 18.98 inches wide, and has a height of 2.3 inches, while its depth is roughly 10.72 inches.

The DDJ-400 is fairly lightweight, weighing only around 4.63 pounds, and is a two-channel controller. It has a 1/4-inch TS Jack for a mic input as well as two output ports for an RCA master output and a mini-jack headphone monitor.

DDJ-400 Vs Hercules Inpulse 300

Read this next: DDJ 400: Perfect for Beginner DJs?

What We Like:

  • Impressive Build Quality
  • Club-Style Layout
  • Includes Rekordbox Software

Build Quality

One of the first and more important things you’ll note is the fact that the DDJ-400 is well put together.

This is par for the course for most Pioneer DJ devices, as they are all known for being made from high-end plastic materials that give weight and presence to the device.

The controller is great for taking several bumps while also lasting for a surprisingly long period of time.

If you’re looking for something that is built to last, you’ll love what the DDJ-400 has to offer.

Club-Style Layout

Speaking of the controller’s build, the DDJ-400 is also made with the club-style layout entirely in mind. This is great for several reasons, however, the clearest example of this doing well for DJs is for those that wish to eventually transition into the professional club scene.

Many CDJs and high-end DJ controllers are made more in line with what is happening in club scenes and how they’ve set up their controllers and CDJs.

Simply put, if you want to eventually go into professional DJing, you’ll want to have a controller that makes that transition as easy as possible.

Rekordbox Software

Lastly, the DDJ-400 comes with incredible Rekordbox DJ software.

This is arguably the second-best software for DJs out on the market to date, and the fact that you get a version of it completely for free really says something.

In this case, Pioneer DJ is the creator of Rekordbox so it only makes sense that they’d have immediate access to this otherwise guarded software.

The software is incredibly intuitive while also being simple to use while offering multiple different features and tools to dramatically your performance overall.

What We Do Not Like:

  • More Expensive
  • Potentially Too Advanced For True Beginners
  • A Bit Bulkier

More Expensive

One of the big challenges when it comes to the Pioneer DJ brand is that, while very highly regarded for its impressive controllers, they are also more highly priced than many of their competitors.

This is the case here between the DDJ-400 and the Inpulse 300.

We can certainly have a discussion on which offers the most benefits or the best benefits and ultimately which is the better option overall.

However, at least when it comes to the price, it’s very clear that the more budget-minded DJ may want to keep that in mind before jumping onto everything the DDJ-400 has to offer.

Potentially Too Advanced For True Beginners

Despite both of these controllers being geared toward starting DJs, the devil is really in the details.

The DDJ-400, while a great DJ controller for most people starting, do expect you to know a few things before jumping into it, thus not including some features you’d otherwise expect from an entry-level controller.

Yes, there is a guide and tutorial for using rekordbox, but in terms of the controller itself, a lack of things like a beatmatching guide does slightly limit the number of people that would otherwise love everything offered.

A Bit Bulkier

Despite the DDJ-400 being relatively lightweight at just over four and a half pounds, it’s certainly a lot heavier than the smaller and more compact Inpulse 300.

While I don’t imagine that you’ll have too much of an issue carrying the DDJ-400 with you for most things if you’re especially small or skinny and want the smaller and lighter of the two options, the DDJ-400’s size and weight are certainly going to be a factor to consider.

Pioneer DJ DDJ-400 DJ Controller
Approx. $250 - $400

This product is now discontinued. Only used and second-hand units are available via the relevant marketplaces.

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The Pioneer DJ’s DDJ-400 is a great product that makes a lot of sense for someone to consider getting it.

If you’re just starting and don’t know what is your best bet, there really is a lot to love in what Pioneer DJ has brought to the table.

Still, they aren’t the only ones on this list. Now, let’s take a look at what the Inpulse 300 has to offer.

Hercules Inpulse 300

Though not quite on the same level as Pioneer DJ, the Hercules brand has put out some pretty impressive devices, the Inpulse 300 being only one controller on their list.

The controller prides itself on being much more affordable than the DDJ-400 while also being smaller and having more DJ beginner-friendly features to choose from.

The controller is a bit smaller than the DDJ-400, weighing only 3.97lbs while it has an 18.9-inch width, an 11.3-inch depth, and a 2-inch height.

hercules dj control inpulse 300 vs pioneer ddj 400

Read this next: Is The Hercules DJControl Inpulse 500 Any Good? Let’s Find Out

What We Like:

  • Impressive Affordability
  • More Beginner-Friendly
  • Slightly More Compact

Impressive Affordability

The first and most immediate difference between the two DJ controllers is their price points. Here, the Inpulse 300 makes a point of being as ideal for the beginner DJ as possible.

With a price under $200, it allows you to perform on a comparable level as the DDJ-400, making it great for those with low budgets or who are only willing to make a small investment to see if DJing is good for them.

More Beginner-Friendly

In terms of the controllers and their respective beginner-friendly nature, while the DDJ-400 is a great starter option, it really can’t compete with just how much the Inpulse 300 goes out of its way to be appealing for those just starting. Its most apparent claim to fame is the inclusion of a beatmatching guide feature.

This lets you get into the groove of beatmatching your tracks and knowing ultimately what to do when performing at home or with your friends.

Slightly More Compact

Not only is the Inpulse 300 better in terms of beginner-friendly features, but it also stresses having a more compact and easily managed structure compared to the DDJ-400.

It’s lighter and smaller, making it a perfect option for someone that wants to take it with them anywhere.

This may be true for the DDJ-400 to an extent, however, with the Inpulse 300, you really can bring it in your bag and go just about anywhere with it.

What We Do Not Like:

  • Build Isn’t As Good
  • Software Isn’t As Good

Build Isn’t As Good

One thing you’ll notice between the two is the overall build quality difference. Whereas the DDJ-400 feels like something legit, the Inpulse 300 has a sort of “toy” feeling to it that you really can’t get past.

I wouldn’t say it’s “bad” or “terrible” per see.

However, I would definitely argue that Pioneer DJ is the pick for most people that want to feel like they’re playing with a legit controller.

Software Isn’t As Good

While we touched on the controller’s overall build, let’s also go over what Inpulse lacks in terms of its software.

While Pioneer DJ comes with Rekordbox in just about all of its controllers, what Hercules has to offer isn’t necessarily anything to write home about.

Called Djuced, this software isn’t nearly as impressive or as intricate as what Rekordbox has to offer.

It also doesn’t contain nearly as many tools or the ability to work with any other controller outside of Hercules’ immediate market, something not the case with rekordbox and Pioneer DJ DDJ-400.

Hercules DJ Control Inpulse 300
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05/26/2024 07:00 am GMT

Read this next: Best DJ Controller for Beginners (Our Top 5)


The Inpulse 300 is a great starter controller and worth considering if you are low on funds or don’t know where to start or what DJing is even about.

While the DDJ-400 does have a bit more to offer for someone that is a bit more firm on what they are looking to get out of DJing, the Inpulse 300 has a few good options while doing it all under the $200 mark.

Pioneer DJ DDJ-400 Vs Hercules Inpulse 300: The Verdict

When deciding on the two controllers, the question really comes down to your level of DJing. In this case, it does depend on where you’re coming from when checking out either of these two options.

For those that truly are starting from scratch, the Pioneer DJ DDJ-400 may be more than what you’re looking for and potentially even a bit intimidating (though really only slightly).

On the other hand, the Inpulse 300, while great for true beginners, will probably get old pretty fast once you get the basics down.

Ultimately, though this is a pretty tough decision between the two, I will say that, if you have the money to invest, I’d suggest getting the Pioneer DJ DDJ-400 controller.

Not only is the price only $50 more, but it will have a bit more longevity as a controller and even potentially set you up for a more professional career as a DJ if you so choose.

Even if you don’t, the controller is a super fun option that you’re certain to love no matter your skill level.

Dexter has worked in the music business since the early 1990s. He has been a keen tech writer for many years and is still regularly involved in promoting prominent electronic music events in Ibiza and the UK. Dexter also specializes in managing and growing digital marketing platforms for leading international DJs, event brands, and venues. He relocated to Croatia from Ibiza six years ago but has continued his industry involvement whilst living on the electronic music party Island of Pag. Alongside music, Dexter is a cat nut and a through-and-through family man!

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